Two volumes, crudely "bound" with descriptions of parcels that were put into the park, short text re formation of HCTPR. Author unspecified (Luere B. Deasy??}. Names: Eliot, Dorr, Deasy, Kennedy and a few others… "I was recovering from a surgical operation…..I had become the Vice President and Executive Officer of the corporation (HCTPR). Gift of Bee Hive.
United States Department of the Interior Geological survey. Compiled from maps dated 1942,43,56. Revised from Aerial photos taken 1970. Field checked 1971. Polyconic projection 1927 North American Datum
United States Department of the Interior Geological survey. Compiled from maps dated 1942,43,56. Revised from Aerial photos taken 1970. Field checked 1971. Polyconic projection 1927 North American Datum