JDR Jr., Higgins Trust lot at Otter Creek, J. Eldridge Tripp, Blithen L. Tripp, Byron Tripp, Charlotte Tripp, A. H. Lynam, Bar Harbor Bank & Trust, Map. Piece of old blueprint Otter Creek showing Stanley, Seely, Laboratory, Liscomb, Stone Radio, Hutchings lots
Mary E. Ogden, Harriet V. C. Ogden, Mary Ogden de Forest, Johnston de Forest, Allen Evans, Rebecca L. Evans, Ellen L. Mahen, Rosalie Evans Brown, Francis Leonard Brow, Hartman K. Evans, Mabel Evans, Lena C. Evans, Frederic de Peyster Foster, JDR Jr., Dorr
Mt. Desert Biological Laboratory, Mary E. Ogden, Inhabitants of Bar Harbor, Dave H. Morris, Ogden property in way of Carriage? Road that JDR Jr. wanted
Leffingwell et al, Dorr, JDR Jr., Alsop Leffingwell, Mary Mutter Leffingwell, Douglas Leffingwell, Christophe[a] Leffingwell, Aimee G. Leffingwell McKenzie, Alice Glenciarn Leffingwell, Kenneth McKenzie
Merrill Griswold,, et al., Daniel Baird, Anna Griswold, Margaret G. Locke, Roger Griswold, Elizabeth B. Wilson, JDR Jr., SEE ALSO NOTE IN Jr. # 12 12-60 re this file, Nelson Rockefeller.