Vineyard Sound and Nantucket Shoals from Vineyard sound Light-Ship to Chatham
Map, Chart
Authorized and published by Geo. W. Eldridge 103 State St. Boston. Mass. (Copyright by Geo. W. Eldridge, 1894)
Backed with fabric, slight stains, triangulation lines on map printed and drawn, very good condition, shows Naushon island which is also known as Cataama island and Cataymuck, has the inscription Use Eldridge's Tide Book with this Chart, torn vendors patch on reverse, and hand written signature of Q.L. Thomas
Authorized and published by Geo. W. Eldridge 103 State St. Boston. Mass. (Copyright by Geo. W. Eldridge, 1895)
Fair condition, some water damage and possible insect damage, edges are slightly worn and soiled, Specific highlighting of four range lines Brewster Island, Boston Light, has Charles C. Hutchinson, 152 State St. Boston General agent, drawing by A.N Houghton, signed by O.L Thomas, Authorized and published (signed) by Geo. W. Eldridge 103 State St. Boston, price $1.50
Compiled and Published under the direction of Geo.N.Colby by S.F. Colby&Co. Drawn from official Plans, U.S. Coast Survey Charts, and actual Surveys
In very good condition, slight water staining on the edges, colored copy, plate printing, leather binding, inner-binding stapling, may have been retouched
Compiled by Waldron Bates, Edward L. Rand and Herbert Jaques, 1896, reprinted in 1996
Great condition, printed on gloss heavy stock, Topographical map, No legend but there is an explanation of markings, Geo. H. Walker & Co. Boston. (Publishers), stain marks and creases from the original are visible, adapted from the map of Mount Desert Island from the U.S coast and geodetic survey June,1882
Compiled by Waldron Bates, Edward L. Rand and Herbert Jaques, 1896, revised in 1901
Decent condition, has been taped, topographical map colored map, has a scale, single direction compass, slightly stained, nomenclature revised and corrected from map dated June 1893, William H. Munroe, Del., Geo. H. Walker & Co. Boston. (Publishers)
Compiled from the latest surveys by Geo. Eldridge, Hydrographer. Published by S. Thaxter & Son, 125 State St. Boston
Fair condition, edges are worn especially the right side, some staining, possible insect damage, has penciled in directional notes, features light houses, light ships and buoys, Shows anchorages in
West Harbor off Fisher's Island, between Green's Ledge and Norroaton point, between Tavern Island and Sheffield Island, and one off Fairweather Island, Anchorage symbols not shown in the map's legend, has price list of Eldridge's charts Printed by S. Thaxter & son, printed on the best quality of linen paper and mounted on cloth to make them durable, has an award sticker that is not fully legible, Price label ($5.00), signed by Q.L. Thomas
Copied from a plan by John Peters ESQ. in A.D 1808 by James Peter of Blue Hill, ME with additions added by him, recopied by Addison Dodge of Ellsworth ME. Nov 3 1857, again recopied by J.E. Savage Civil Engineer
Fair condition, Slight water stains, was printed in purple ink, it has the logo for Savage&Lord Civil Engineers Bar Harbor, ME. This map was presented to the Jesup Memorial Library by Constance Hanscom Jellison Genealogical Records section in 1987, The Thomas family had a few lots of land all adding up to 371 Acres, has a scale of 1inch:80rods (0.25 miles), it has some similar names that the Lynam Agency maps did, has MDI Eastern Land Grant written on the back, it has one little rip on the top, There is land deeded to Isaac and Geo. B Somes off of Somes Sound,
Copied from a plan by John Peters ESQ. in A.D 1808 by James Peter of Blue Hill, ME with additions added by him, recopied by Addison Dodge of Ellsworth ME. Nov 3 1857, again recopied by J.E. Savage Civil Engineer
Description: Plan of MDI Original A.D 1808, copied 1837 A.D,Nov.3 1857 and Jan 20 1891
Description: Publication featuring pen and pencil drawings by eminent American artists of landscapes and scenery from different parts of the United States. This issue highlights the coast of Maine and Mount Desert Island with drawings by Harry Fenn accompanied by textual descriptions of the landmarks depicted. People Mentioned: Oliver B. Bunce, Abraham Somes
Description: Drawing No. 105 in a set of architectural plans for the Jesup Memorial Library, or Bar Harbor Library, in Bar Harbor, Maine. Front Elevation. Drawn by C.A.H. and traced by D.O.
Description: Drawing No. 203 in a set of architectural plans for the Jesup Memorial Library, or Bar Harbor Library, in Bar Harbor, Maine. Details of Exterior Work. Drawn by J.S. and checked by C.A.H.
Description: Drawing No. 101 in a set of architectural plans for the Jesup Memorial Library, or Bar Harbor Library, in Bar Harbor, Maine. Basement Plan. Drawn by C.A.H. and traced by D.O.
Description: Drawing No. 101A in a set of architectural plans for the Jesup Memorial Library, or Bar Harbor Library, in Bar Harbor, Maine. Basement Plan Showing Revised Location of Chases. Drawn by C.A.H.
Description: Drawing No. 102 in a set of architectural plans for the Jesup Memorial Library, or Bar Harbor Library, in Bar Harbor, Maine. First Floor Plan. Drawn by C.A.H. and traced by D.O.
Description: Drawing No. 103 in a set of architectural plans for the Jesup Memorial Library, or Bar Harbor Library, in Bar Harbor, Maine. Gallery Plan. Drawn by C.A.H. and traced by D.O.
Description: Drawing No. 104 in a set of architectural plans for the Jesup Memorial Library, or Bar Harbor Library, in Bar Harbor, Maine. Roof Plan. Drawn by C.A.H. and traced by D.O.
Description: Drawing No. 106 in a set of architectural plans for the Jesup Memorial Library, or Bar Harbor Library, in Bar Harbor, Maine. West Side Elevation. Drawn by C.A.H. and traced by D.O.
Description: Drawing No. 107 in a set of architectural plans for the Jesup Memorial Library, or Bar Harbor Library, in Bar Harbor, Maine. Rear Elevation. Drawn by C.A.H. and traced by D.O.
Description: Drawing No. 108 in a set of architectural plans for the Jesup Memorial Library, or Bar Harbor Library, in Bar Harbor, Maine. East Side Elevation. Drawn by C.A.H. and traced by D.O.
Description: Drawing No. 109 in a set of architectural plans for the Jesup Memorial Library, or Bar Harbor Library, in Bar Harbor, Maine. Longitudinal Section. Drawn by C.A.H. and traced by D.O.