Bar Harbor Life, August 12, 1899
Bar Harbor Life, August 12, 1899
Society edition of The Bar Harbor Record from August 12, 1899 with articles on events held in honor of the visit of the North Atlantic Squadron led by Admiral William T. Sampson, golf scores, notable arrivals at area hotels, gossip from the town of Newport, and a fictional travel diary from Manila. Several advertisements are included as well.
The name Reginald Johnson is written on the back cover.
People Mentioned: Robert Adams, Mrs. W. C. Allison, W. C. Allison, Mrs. Robert Amory, Robert Amory, H. Arnold, Calvin Austin, M. L. Balch, George V. N. Baldwin, Mrs. Bleecker Banks, Mrs. Henry I. Barbey, Herbert H. Barnes, Mrs. Edgar W. Bass, Mrs. Truxton Beale, I. Sanford Beaty, David Belasco, Oliver H. P. Belmont, J. Gerald Benkard, E. C. Bentzon, Mrs. Charles William Bergner, K. V. R. Berry, H. G. Beyer, Christine W. Biddle, J. C. Mercer Biddler, Theodore Bjorksten, James Bracy, Lothrop Bradley, Mrs. Lothrop Bradley, S. F. Bridgham, Mrs. Robert Coleman Brock, John Crosby Brown, Mrs. John Crosby Brown, Thomas Bush, Mrs. Leslie Carter, F. E. Chadwick, John Chadwick, A. D. Childs, M. G. Childs, Carroll Brent Chilton, John E. Clark, Edward Coles, Mrs. Thomas G. Condon, T. G. Condon, Joseph Corson, Charles Cramp, Florence Cramp, E. J. Curley, Edwin C. Cushman, Mrs. T. DeWitt Cuyler, Elizabeth Davies, Aaron Davis, Jessica Davis, Mrs. John Davis, G. de Stale, Samuel B. Dean, Emily Delafield, Mrs. Lewis Livingston Delafield, G. Des Champs, Elizabeth Dodge, William E. Dodge, Mrs. Charles H. Dorr, Anna Vernon Dorsey, C. H. Draper, Cleaves Draper, W. F. Draper, Mrs. Henry E. Drayton, George W. Childs Drexel, G. Dunlap, John Dunlap, Julia Pierrepont Edwards, Mrs. Pierrepont Edwards, Pierrepont Edwards, Pattie Elison, Mrs. Frank Ellis, Ralph N. Ellis, Mrs. John J. Emery, Osmond Emery, Max Etting, H. L. Ewer, Ernesto G. Fabbri, Mrs. Ernesto G. Fabbri, F. H. Faught, Charles Fearing, William Fennelly, Mrs. DeGrasse Fox, M. Franklin, Mrs. R. Horace Gallatin, W. H. Gillbart, G. H. Gillette, Nora Godwin, Julia Dent Grant, Mrs. William L. Green, William Lawrence Green, A. C. Gurnee, G. W. Guthrie, John A. Haddan Jr., Esther B. Hare, J. J. Clark Hare, John Harrison, Mrs. John Harrison, B. S. Higgins, William H. Hill, Frances Hinckle, A. H. Hinkle Jr., Asa Hodgkins, H. M. Hodgkins, Orville Horwitz, Charles T. How, Hollis H. Hunnewell Jr., T. G. Ireland, Charles Carroll Jackson, Mrs. Harry Jenkins, Mrs. Theodore F. Jewell, Theodore F. Jewell, J. Norton Johnson, Mrs. Francis H. Johnson, Reginald Johnson, Mrs. Cadwalader Jones, Mrs. Frederic Joy, Mrs. John S. Kennedy, Edward Kirk, R. H. Kittredge, J. Komwia, Mrs. Gouveneur Kortright, Julius Kuison, Mrs. Adolph Ladenburg, Francis W. Lawrence, Mrs. Abram R. Lawrence, Andrew Leffler, R. J. Lemont, William Fisher Lewis, Mrs. Philip Livingston, Philip Livingston, Mrs. George Lord, Fred C. Lynam, Peter Marie, E. L. Mason, Mary L. McCarthy, R. Hall McCormick, Edward B. Mears, Mrs. Edward B. Mears, Max Merryweather, William Miller, Mrs. Edward Caldwell Moore, John Moran, T. F. Moran, Dave Hennen Morris, Mrs. Gouverneur Morris, M. C. Morrison, A. H. Morse, E. S. J. Morse, Mrs. A. H. Morse, Mrs. Howard Munnikhuysen, Walden Myers, W. P. Neal, Clement Newbold, Alice Olies, Julia Olies, S. H. Olies, Mrs. Potter Palmer, Frances Parsons, Herbert Parsons, Arthur C. Patterson, Eleanor Stuart Patterson, Henry S. Patterson, Mrs. Edward Patterson, Mrs. A. P. Peabody, Edmund Pendleton, Mrs. Edmund Pendleton, Carroll S. Perot, E. B. Pike, Mrs. James W. Pinchot, Frank H. Platt, Alice Pomeroy, Mrs. J. Biddle Porter, Michael Power, Mrs. Henry Redman, Mrs. Jules Reynal, Mrs. Waldo Richards, George Riddle, Arden M. Robbins, Mrs. George A. Robbins, Tobias L. Roberts, James A. Robinson, Mrs. J. C. Rogers, Mrs. Raymond Rogers, William T. Sampson, Helen Sands, Kate Sands, Mrs. W. P. Sands, W. P. Sands, Mrs. William Jay Schieffelin, Edgar T. Scott, Mrs. Thomas A. Scott, Grace Seely, H. Seely, Mrs. W. W. Seely, W. W. Seely, Gardiner Sherman, Mrs. Gardiner Sherman, C. D. Sigsbee, Mrs. Samuel Slater, Helen M. Smith, J. Emlen Smith, Mrs. C. Morton Smith, Mrs. Fremont Smith, Mrs. Edward I. Snelling, Charles F. Sprague, Mrs. Seth E. Sprague, R. A. Sproul, A. L. Stafford, George J. Stafford, Mrs. Miles Standish, John A. Stewart, Milton W. Stratton, M. Sullivan, H. C. Taylor, Mrs. J. Madison Taylor, Mrs. Samuel Thomas, Samuel Thomas, E. K. Thorndike, Harry Thorndike, Mrs. J. Quincy Thorndike, C. I. Train, Mrs. C. I. Train, Mrs. John B. Trevor, Mrs. Alexander Van Nest, Mrs. Alexander Van Rensselaer, William K. Vanderbilt Jr., Cornelius Vanderbilt, George W. Vanderbilt, Mrs. George W. Vanderbilt, Roger Walcott Jr., Mrs. Roger Walcott, Roger Walcott, Mrs. W. P. Walley, Wilford Watters, George P. Wescott, John W. Wheaton, Mrs. Henry Whelen, Mrs. William N. Whelen, Franklin A. Wilson, M. A. Wilson, C. M. R. Winslow, H. Roger Winthrop, Spencer Wood
The name Reginald Johnson is written on the back cover.
People Mentioned: Robert Adams, Mrs. W. C. Allison, W. C. Allison, Mrs. Robert Amory, Robert Amory, H. Arnold, Calvin Austin, M. L. Balch, George V. N. Baldwin, Mrs. Bleecker Banks, Mrs. Henry I. Barbey, Herbert H. Barnes, Mrs. Edgar W. Bass, Mrs. Truxton Beale, I. Sanford Beaty, David Belasco, Oliver H. P. Belmont, J. Gerald Benkard, E. C. Bentzon, Mrs. Charles William Bergner, K. V. R. Berry, H. G. Beyer, Christine W. Biddle, J. C. Mercer Biddler, Theodore Bjorksten, James Bracy, Lothrop Bradley, Mrs. Lothrop Bradley, S. F. Bridgham, Mrs. Robert Coleman Brock, John Crosby Brown, Mrs. John Crosby Brown, Thomas Bush, Mrs. Leslie Carter, F. E. Chadwick, John Chadwick, A. D. Childs, M. G. Childs, Carroll Brent Chilton, John E. Clark, Edward Coles, Mrs. Thomas G. Condon, T. G. Condon, Joseph Corson, Charles Cramp, Florence Cramp, E. J. Curley, Edwin C. Cushman, Mrs. T. DeWitt Cuyler, Elizabeth Davies, Aaron Davis, Jessica Davis, Mrs. John Davis, G. de Stale, Samuel B. Dean, Emily Delafield, Mrs. Lewis Livingston Delafield, G. Des Champs, Elizabeth Dodge, William E. Dodge, Mrs. Charles H. Dorr, Anna Vernon Dorsey, C. H. Draper, Cleaves Draper, W. F. Draper, Mrs. Henry E. Drayton, George W. Childs Drexel, G. Dunlap, John Dunlap, Julia Pierrepont Edwards, Mrs. Pierrepont Edwards, Pierrepont Edwards, Pattie Elison, Mrs. Frank Ellis, Ralph N. Ellis, Mrs. John J. Emery, Osmond Emery, Max Etting, H. L. Ewer, Ernesto G. Fabbri, Mrs. Ernesto G. Fabbri, F. H. Faught, Charles Fearing, William Fennelly, Mrs. DeGrasse Fox, M. Franklin, Mrs. R. Horace Gallatin, W. H. Gillbart, G. H. Gillette, Nora Godwin, Julia Dent Grant, Mrs. William L. Green, William Lawrence Green, A. C. Gurnee, G. W. Guthrie, John A. Haddan Jr., Esther B. Hare, J. J. Clark Hare, John Harrison, Mrs. John Harrison, B. S. Higgins, William H. Hill, Frances Hinckle, A. H. Hinkle Jr., Asa Hodgkins, H. M. Hodgkins, Orville Horwitz, Charles T. How, Hollis H. Hunnewell Jr., T. G. Ireland, Charles Carroll Jackson, Mrs. Harry Jenkins, Mrs. Theodore F. Jewell, Theodore F. Jewell, J. Norton Johnson, Mrs. Francis H. Johnson, Reginald Johnson, Mrs. Cadwalader Jones, Mrs. Frederic Joy, Mrs. John S. Kennedy, Edward Kirk, R. H. Kittredge, J. Komwia, Mrs. Gouveneur Kortright, Julius Kuison, Mrs. Adolph Ladenburg, Francis W. Lawrence, Mrs. Abram R. Lawrence, Andrew Leffler, R. J. Lemont, William Fisher Lewis, Mrs. Philip Livingston, Philip Livingston, Mrs. George Lord, Fred C. Lynam, Peter Marie, E. L. Mason, Mary L. McCarthy, R. Hall McCormick, Edward B. Mears, Mrs. Edward B. Mears, Max Merryweather, William Miller, Mrs. Edward Caldwell Moore, John Moran, T. F. Moran, Dave Hennen Morris, Mrs. Gouverneur Morris, M. C. Morrison, A. H. Morse, E. S. J. Morse, Mrs. A. H. Morse, Mrs. Howard Munnikhuysen, Walden Myers, W. P. Neal, Clement Newbold, Alice Olies, Julia Olies, S. H. Olies, Mrs. Potter Palmer, Frances Parsons, Herbert Parsons, Arthur C. Patterson, Eleanor Stuart Patterson, Henry S. Patterson, Mrs. Edward Patterson, Mrs. A. P. Peabody, Edmund Pendleton, Mrs. Edmund Pendleton, Carroll S. Perot, E. B. Pike, Mrs. James W. Pinchot, Frank H. Platt, Alice Pomeroy, Mrs. J. Biddle Porter, Michael Power, Mrs. Henry Redman, Mrs. Jules Reynal, Mrs. Waldo Richards, George Riddle, Arden M. Robbins, Mrs. George A. Robbins, Tobias L. Roberts, James A. Robinson, Mrs. J. C. Rogers, Mrs. Raymond Rogers, William T. Sampson, Helen Sands, Kate Sands, Mrs. W. P. Sands, W. P. Sands, Mrs. William Jay Schieffelin, Edgar T. Scott, Mrs. Thomas A. Scott, Grace Seely, H. Seely, Mrs. W. W. Seely, W. W. Seely, Gardiner Sherman, Mrs. Gardiner Sherman, C. D. Sigsbee, Mrs. Samuel Slater, Helen M. Smith, J. Emlen Smith, Mrs. C. Morton Smith, Mrs. Fremont Smith, Mrs. Edward I. Snelling, Charles F. Sprague, Mrs. Seth E. Sprague, R. A. Sproul, A. L. Stafford, George J. Stafford, Mrs. Miles Standish, John A. Stewart, Milton W. Stratton, M. Sullivan, H. C. Taylor, Mrs. J. Madison Taylor, Mrs. Samuel Thomas, Samuel Thomas, E. K. Thorndike, Harry Thorndike, Mrs. J. Quincy Thorndike, C. I. Train, Mrs. C. I. Train, Mrs. John B. Trevor, Mrs. Alexander Van Nest, Mrs. Alexander Van Rensselaer, William K. Vanderbilt Jr., Cornelius Vanderbilt, George W. Vanderbilt, Mrs. George W. Vanderbilt, Roger Walcott Jr., Mrs. Roger Walcott, Roger Walcott, Mrs. W. P. Walley, Wilford Watters, George P. Wescott, John W. Wheaton, Mrs. Henry Whelen, Mrs. William N. Whelen, Franklin A. Wilson, M. A. Wilson, C. M. R. Winslow, H. Roger Winthrop, Spencer Wood
Morse, Wilbur
Conroy, William H.
August 12, 1899
Morse, Wilbur and Conroy, William H., “Bar Harbor Life, August 12, 1899,” Jesup Memorial Library, accessed February 7, 2025, 1011